Youtube as seen by ‘Youtubers’

Are there business opportunities on YouTube for those not part of the the major channels? What are the challenges faced by ‘youtubers’? What attracts audiences? These were some of the questions posed by Xavier Alabart, driver and co-founder of Up Video, to a few young Catalans who manage successful Youtube channels.

The dynamic session was held in the old Estrella Damm factory as part of the Digital & Media Forum 2016 (#digitalmediaCAT), whose program has been created by the Cluster with the aim of stimulating ideas and connecting the digital world with the media.

The participants were Valenti Sanjuan, specialized in the sports world with a long history in the audiovisual sector; Eduard Esteller (pro Android), qwho focusses on mobile phones and apps; Mel Dominguez (Focusing) and Belena Gaynor,monologuists on various topics; Neus Viciana (Fetsquins), specializing in fashion; Jordi Cor, ‘youtubers’ advisor; Ester Molina (Shinya Murata), focused on the Japanese context and Sandra Pedrosa, a newcomer to Youtube.

Together, the speakers agreed that Youtube is a new ecosystem that is expanding, it rivals television, as it continues to accumulate audiences, and offers many business opportunities.

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