The Cluster, main character of the major audiovisual week in Barcelona

We have been to the two major audiovisual events that have taken place in Barcelona during the week of 9 to 13 May. At ISE (Integrated Systems Europe), the world’s largest audiovisual trade fair, and at INPUT, the international public television conference.

We have been collaborating with ISE since it moved to Barcelona in 2019 from Amsterdam. In its landing at the city, the Cluster has served as the connecting agent with the Catalan industry and institutions. We have organized 8 conferences with the participation of 20 Cluster members, which publicly discussed audiovisual and technological issues of importance in the sector, such as immersive shows, LED screens, the potential of the MICE sector in our country and applications of audiovisual innovations in sectors such as the Live Arts. We have had the opportunity to listen to our expert members in metavers in one of the biggest stages of the fair. We also shared a meeting with various international clusters interested in sharing ideas and getting to know our work.

On the other hand, we have organized the INPUT conference together with Pompeu Fabra University, which has brought together 400 professionals from 59 public television stations in 28 countries. Throughout the week, attendees have participated in viewing the new television formats in entertainment and fiction and witnessed debates and round tables from the hand of their professionals. We would like to highlight that there have been 7 Catalan and Spanish productions from TV3, TVE and Betevé out of the 86 that had been presented. It took the opportunity to organize parallel activities that would give visibility to the potential of the city in the audiovisual production sector, such as a route through the cinematographic Barcelona, and a current talk to discuss on the role of international correspondents as providers of information when there is a war and in which professionals from Catalan, Spanish, Danish and Canadian television as well as Ukrainian public television have participated.