The 44th edition of INPUT lands in Barcelona

The Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya organizes the 44th edition of INPUT together with Universitat Pompeu Fabra and with the support of ICEC, Barcelona City Council, TV3 and TVE.

INPUT is a non-profit organization of public television program makers and broadcasters, organizes an annual conference since 1978 to discuss and challenge the boundaries of public TV. This year will be held in Barcelona from 9 to 13 May at the Campus Poblenou of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Roc Boronat 138) and will host 59 public television stations from 28 different countries in order to watch and discuss about public television services.

There will be presented 85 TV programs, divided into 26 themed sessions, to provide encouraging answers to our challenge: How do we keep public television around the world relevant to the audience? The screenings will lead to discussions where the attendees will be able to discuss with the creators of the selected TV programs.

Among these TV programs we can find seven Catalan and Spanish productions from TV3, TVE and betevé. The TV program “Per què volen els avions”, the episode of the successful true crime  “El crim de la Guàrdia Urbana” and the documentary “La Gemma té un pla” from TV3; the series “Yrreal”, “Sequía” and the animated series “Mironins” from TVE; and “Oh my goig!”, the series about sexuality from betevé.

Barcelona also hosted INPUT in 2004 at the Fòrum de les Cultures, and this year hosts it again. In addition, Universitat Pompeu Fabra has been collecting the INPUT Archive in their Library since 1994 and, since that same year, the MINIPUT, has also been organized annually. This is a sample of the best programs that have passed that year in the INPUT.