¡Eres tan travesti!
Team: César Estévez, Miguel Retegui
University: Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull Year: 2019 Category: TV Format [+] Synopsis La Prohibida, Killer Queen, Drag Sethlas and Chanel Anorex: 4 Spanish Drag Queens that aspire to advance in their artistic careers and achieve their professional goals. To get what they want, we’ll see their work, have fun, suffer and connect with their most personal side. A docu-reality show that gets us closer to the Spanish drag scene, following our main characters’ lives and showing us what they are during the day and during the night. ¡Eres Tan Travesti! brings joy, passion and most of all a good party between friends. Don’t hesitate. Join our fantasy!

¡Vuelve al pueblo!
Team: María del Mar Alférez López, Lara Amores López
University: Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull Year: 2021 Category: TV Format [+] Synopsis During their younghood, many people decided to leave their town and move to the city for a job and prosperity. Now, there are only empty houses and a municipality that needs people. In, ¡Vuelve Al Pueblo! (Return to town), four city youngsters with enthusiasm and in need of a change of environment will match with four elderly people to live together in this municipality. Together they’ll embark on a rural adventure to give a second life to the town where the elderly grew up and start, this way, a new life stage.

¿Subes o Bajas?
Team: Helena Calduch, Marc Soler
University: Universitat Rovira i Virgili Year: 2017 Category: TV Format [+] Synopsis ¿Subes o bajas? is a quiz show with elements of a game show where four pairs of contestants compete to reach the final phase: a challenge that will be played on platforms suspended in the air to reach 100.000€. If they guess the questions, they will level up. But, if they fail, they will fall down and the possibility of winning the prize will be lower. To achieve this, they must first exceed three rounds before the final, where they will demonstrate their ingenuity, constancy and speed, in addition to the rapport with their partner. With the game and humour as the main elements, that show challenges different couples in two key elements: their knowledge and skills.

Team: Cristina Aubach, Paula Mª López
University: Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull Year: 2020 Category: Fiction [+] Synopsis Cleo, a recent graduate in Audiovisual Communication, has been sidelined from her last temporary job and the flat she shared with her friends. Unemployed and evicted, she will enter a vicious circle of precarious jobs ranging from signature pickers to erotic webcams, to waitress at a fast-food restaurant and home delivery food, among others. At the same time, she will start looking for a decent, affordable place to live. Her passion for cinema and her desire to alleviate the adversities she encounters makes Cleo live every moment like a movie and never give up on her quest for vital stability.

Team: Alex Nieto Guarasa
University: Universitat Pompeu Fabra Year: 2022 Category: New Windows [+] Synopsis “#7” is a WebDoc where the user will have to reconstruct the memory of a person who died a long time ago using the memories that have remained from the people who knew him. It is an auteur web documentary that seeks to rediscover and reconstruct the image of the author’s cousin, who died suddenly, aged only sixteen on a football field in L’Hospitalet while he was training. A death that left the family very affected and that caused their world to fall apart overnight. From that moment on, the family created an association (Spanish Association for Sudden Death Syndrome) with which to fight this disease, save lives and ensure that no other family goes through the same thing.

Team: Giulia Abbate, Hajar Echenouili, Belén Navas
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2018 Category: TV Format [+] Synopsis #PhotoFactory is an educational and entertaining project in which photographic techniques are taught to a young public. #PhotoFactory stimulates this public’s creativity and approaches it to professionals’ work. Through social networks, the viewer will be able to follow how Natt and Helena, the project’s anchors, venture in the photographic world while they explore new cultural interesting places. On television, Phos will share her knowledge and references and will identify the mistakes both girls made so that we can also accomplish great photos.

Team: Alicia Miquel, Maria Albert, Queralt Serrats, Natàlia Celma
University: Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull Year: 2021 Category: Fiction [+] Synopsis A summer night and five teenagers dancing on a beach bar. An idyllic and far memory that contrasts with Cleo’s present sited at her desk in front of the computer and right in the middle of Covid’s lockdown because of the pandemic. She and her other four friends-Laura, Viki, Sara and Lea-spend their time doing video calls and playing always the same online drawing game. In between virtual classes, anguish, fights between Sara and her dad and disagreements with Lea because of her toxic boyfriend Jan, Viki fins Pink Elephant, a game of challenges for TikTok, and starts playing without thinking too much about it. The video of her first dare goes viral on social networks.

Team: Paula Serra, Clàudia Serra
University: Universitat Pompeu Fabra Year: 2020 Category: Fiction [+] Synopsis Àlex, a cheerful and determined scout, is trapped with her group in a house in the Pyrenees during a rainstorm. But they are not alone: Leo appeared in the refuge, a mystery baby that no one knew where he came from. Àlex tries to guarantee the security of both while waiting for the rescue that will take them out of there, but Leo complicates the situation and brings the scout to the limit of the security forces and moral security. In the fight of not losing control of the situation, Àlex is obliged to make things that she would not have imagined.

Team: Edgar Rodríguez Prados
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2022 Category: Non-fiction [+] Synopsis According to several professionals in the field of psychology, a large number of victims of a terrorist attack will develop a mental disorder. However, with special treatment they can recover. But is this entirely true? Five years after the attack on August 17, 2017 in La Rambla, enough time has passed to assess whether the psychological approach to the victims has been effective.

16×25 mil.
Team: Toni Molist Santos-Garcia, Josep Solà
University: Universitat de Vic Year: 2022 Category: Non-fiction [+] Synopsis Joan Parés, a motor enthusiast, adapts to a new life after losing an arm and a leg in a work accident. Currently, he continues to fight to be able to fulfil his dream of competing in Dakar.

Team: Pol Blanch, Carles Torres
University: Universitat Pompeu Fabra Year: 2020 Category: Fiction [+] Synopsis It’s the shortest night of the year 2008. Crisis and drought. The young people of the town of Aguilar de Segarra, however, set up a car park. As two teenagers admire them and try to take part in the party, the night gathers a group of friends who seem to have less and less in common. During the party, none of them is able to face their personal reality. The dream of an American night will be reflected in a crisis that is not only economic but social and of values. A crisis of masculinity that affects those who do not wonder who they are. We. Xavi, Ton, Andreu, Carles, Oriol and Pol.

Team: Júlia Ferrer, Marta Bulsán, Cristina de Diego
University: Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull Year: 2015 Category: New Windows [+] Synopsis 461 are 10 serialised, three-minute capsules in Fashion Film format. They show some stories, where the fashion magazine 461 generates the actions of the characters. It was created specifically to be the indirect protagonist of these 10 capsules. 461, is the thread of continuity. The characters, despite being related to each other, are not always the same. The main character of one capsule will be the secondary character of another. The protagonists are in compromised, absurd and humorously explained situations provoked by the 461. This distracts them by forcing them to do what they should not have done. The capsules are joined by parody, exaggeration, and ridicule in a funny way.