Successful First Audiovisual University-Industry Pitching Session

The first edition of the University and Industry Audiovisual Pitching Session for took place on 21 and 22 October. This session, promoted and organized by the Cluster, gave a forum for university students to present their fiction, nonfiction and new platform projects to audio-visual companies.

The event exceeded all expectations. It involved 12 university centers in Catalonia, 16 projects were selected, and the event was attended by 58 companies and a total of 227 people. 107 meetings were held between students and producers.

The initiative aimed to promote the incorporation of new university developments in the audiovisual industry. Reflecting on this, Xavier Guitart, chairman of the Catalan Audio-visual Cluster, was especially pleased “by the high level of involvement of the industry and universities in this first edition.” He also said that the “integration and complicity of all actors in the sector are the key that will strengthen the audiovisual industry in Catalonia”.

The 16 selected projects:

No Signal, 461, Incredible Shrinking Detective and Cubzzle were the selected projects on new platforms.

In the field of fiction, Daimon, L’Última Carta (The Last Letter), The Show of God and Mediocrity were selected.

The projects seleted in the non-fiction category were I Quartieri Spagnoli, Detrás de los perjuicios (Behind the damage), La realitat dels somnis (The reality of dreams), In(capaços), Reinventados, Lligams (Links) and El Gran Premi de Carol.

The 12 participating universities were the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), University of Barcelona (UB), ​​Communication and International Relations Faculty of Blanquerna (Ramon Llull University), Pompeu Fabra (UPF), University Rovira i Virgili (URV), University of Lleida (UdL), University of Vic (Uvic), International University of Catalonia (UIC), La Salle Campus Barcelona, (Ramon Llull University), Abad Oliba University (CEU), ERAM University School (University of Girona) and Tecnocampus Mataró Polytechnic School.

In addition, the Audiovisual University-Industry Pitching received the collaboration of TV3, BTV and 8TV.

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