We organize the session “Nou entreteniment sonor: la postproducció de so en podcast” at MAC Fair (Catalonia Audiovisual Market), that will be held on June 1 2022 at Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts (Granollers). It will take place at the Plató del Centre Audiovisual from 12:40h to 13:20h.
Also, we will have the participaton of two of our members, Ramon Francesc Martín Guart (associated professor at Strategy and Creativity Master at UOC) and Carles Ortet (founder of Zoopa) at the session “Nous formats publicitaris audiovisuals”, from 13:30h to 14:10h.
MAC Fair is an space created as a meeting point for companies to show their products and services to professionals of technologic, audiovisual and creative sector.