The Territorial Agreement wants to unify and strength the Catalan audiovisual sector

This morning, several representatives of audiovisual companies and audiovisual parks located in different parts of Catalonia have met in Barcelona to draw the first steps of the Territorial Agreement project promoted by the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya.

The Territorial Agreement arises from the repeated demonstration by audiovisual and technological equipment scattered across the territory of the need to get acquainted and maintain contact with other organizations in order to establish synergies and study possible collaborations. In response, the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya has promoted the creation of a common strategy that enables international promotion activities such as to exchange experiences and knowledge among the participating companies, and the development of projects and fundraising.

The assistants to the meeting has been Neàpolis (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Roca Umbert (Granollers), Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya (Terrassa), Torre Barrina (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat) and Citilab (Cornellà).

This companies see the Territorial Agreement an engine to dynamise its spaces besides the opportunity to carry, under the same umbrellas, requests to the public administrations as fiscal taxes to attract audiovisual productions within the Catalan territory.

The Territorial Agreement wants to be around Catalonia and bring together the largest possible number of parks and audiovisual companies in the Catalan area. Soon, a document will be articulated with all the adhered organisms and the services they offer will, in order to create a catalog.

This activity is part of the program of digital innovation, audiovisual and new technologies of the audiovisual cluster of Catalonia.
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