Online Distribution. New Strategies, New Content, New Users

It can be said that the last decade was marked by the emergence of online audio-visual distribution platforms. In a short period of time, we saw a growing number of more diverse companies embracing this business model. It was and, in a way, still is booming sector. Currently, it includes enterprises which range from pioneering local platforms specialising in online independent cinema to multinationals with mass consumer products.

És per això, per entendre el moment actual d’aquest sector i analitzar les tendències que l’afecten, que el Clúster ha organitzat, en el marc del Saló del Cinema i de les Sèries, la sessió “La Distribució Online. Noves estratègies, nous continguts, nous usuaris”, aplegant una representació significativa i diversa d’aquells projectes dedicats a la distribució online: Movistar+, Filmin, Flooxer, Tviso i Wuaki. Una sessió moderada per Alex Bas, responsable de continguts i nous formats de Diagonal TV.

That’s why, to be able to understand the current situation in this sector and analyse trends affecting it, the Cluster has organised the session “Online Distribution. New Strategies, New Content, New Users” at the Saló del Cinema i de les Sèries (Film and Series Fair). This session, moderated by the Head of Content and New Formats at Diagonal TV, Alex Bas, brought together representatives of online distributors involved in diverse and significant projects, such as Movistar+, Filmin, Flooxer, Tviso and Wuaki.

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