Zoom Marques 2020 – Brands&Covid: Post-Covid Audiovisual, Communication and Marketing Strategies

Zoom Marques is the annual meeting on brand communication promoted by the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia with the collaboration of Foment del Treball, Dircom Catalunya and Club Marketing Barcelona, ​​for advertising professionals, communication managers, corporate communication managers, marketing and prominent agents in the audiovisual sector in Catalonia.

It aims to reflect and analyze innovations and disruptive trends in the audiovisual, communication and advertising landscape.

In the recent months, we have observed an exponential acceleration of digitization and the application of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, as well as the importance of personalizing to the maximum in order to offer content adapted to the needs of each type of consumer. Also, there has been an increase in social and leisure content based, mainly, on platforms.

In time of confinement, there have been notable changes in audiovisual consumption: there has been an increase of 112% in television and radio monitoring, 45% in reading digital media and 55% in monitoring social networks. At the same time, the need to adopt values ​​such as sustainable consumption is being highlighted, while brands show their social commitment.

Given this new normality, we ask ourselves if we are also facing a new paradigm of communication, what will be the needs in teleworking work environments, how habits, leisure and the needs of consumers have changed and what they expect from brands, those that have to be adaptable and resilient.

The seventh edition of Zoom Marques entitled Brands&Covid gathers all these questions to debate the communication strategies that have originated in times of coronavirus in an online roundtable that can be followed remotely next May 27 at 10am .

To participate as a public you must register here .

Before the session you will receive an email with instructions to access the online event.


Jordi Urbea, Senior Vice President d’Ogilvy Spain and CEO d’Ogilvy Barcelona.
He is one of the pioneering professionals on the Internet in our country, an expert in the digital transformation of companies, businesses and brands. He has worked with major brands from Ogilvy, a multinational marketing, communication and advertising agency with 131 offices worldwide and more than 20,000 employees. He has been responsible for the digital transformation of the company in Barcelona and the driving force behind Ogilvy Upcelerator, the first startup accelerator for the firm in the world. He coordinates the master in Direct and Digital Marketing at UPF, is a lecturer and author of several books.

Cristina Vall-Llosada, Head of Corporate Communication at SEAT
Graduated in Communication and Public Relations, she joined at SEAT in 2010. She has led the largest corporate communication offensive in the history of the automobile firm, helping to increase its position as an internationally recognized company. Previously, she was director of the Barcelona delegation and a member of the Porter Novelli Management Committee (currently Omnicom PR Group) and professor of crisis communication management at the University of Girona.

Pol Vilà, Director of Digital Marketing at Filmin
He leads the digital strategy of the online cinema platform Filmin and is also Storytel Spain’s Social Media Strategist and digital communication and marketing consultant. Previously, he worked as Director of Social Media at Equipo Singular, leading the work with brands such as Cinco Jotas, Logitech, Moët & Chandon, Rabat, Le coq sportif, Bodegas Torres, among others.


Xantal Llavina, Journalist and Director and conductor of the programme Revolution 4.0
Graduated in Journalism and in Business Sciences, she currently directs and conducts the fourth season of the program Revolution 4.0 on Catalunya Radio as well as the television version on TV3. He has worked in numerous media such as TVE, ElPuntAvuiTV, Barça TV, RAC1 or El Periódico of Catalonia, among others. She has been awarded six recognitions for her journalistic work, including the 2018 Women’s ICT Outreach Prize for the Generalitat of Catalonia. She is the author of the book Facebook: Improve your relationships knowing the social network that connects the world </ em>, published by Profit Editorial.

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Primera experiència professional per a joves titulats en audiovisual

El Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya convida a estudiants universitaris amb motivació i aptituds per a la creació audiovisual a participar en l’edició de 2019 del Pacte del Talent.

Es tracta d’una iniciativa que té com a objectiu oferir una primera experiència de professionalització a joves titulats recents en l’àmbit de l’audiovisual i que estan donant les seves primeres passes en la vida laboral. Amb la tutorització de professionals del sector, es realitzaran projectes audiovisuals en connexió amb companyies emergents de les arts escèniques que posteriorment es mostraran durant la Setmana del Talent Audiovisual. Els projectes es realitzaran abans de finals de novembre de 2019 i no seran remunerats.

Per a més informació sobre el procediment de selecció, escriviu a [email protected] abans del 10 de setembre de 2019.

Llegiu aquí les bases de participació.

A continuació podeu veure els treballs de l’edició de 2018:

El 5G i l’entreteniment

El workshop La tecnologia 5G: oportunitats per al sector mobilitat, esports i entreteniment ha donat continuïtat al laboratori que es va iniciar l’any passat i en el que el Clúster Audiovisual va estar activament implicat. La trobada, que va tenir lloc al Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya ha posat en contacte el sector audiovisual amb d’altres professionals del Mobile World Capital amb presentacions dels aspectes més rellevants de la tecnologia i casos d’ús presentats al MWC19. Watchity, BTV, Visyon i Ebantic van ser els socis del clúster presents a la jornada.

Aquesta activitat es troba dins del programa d’innovació digital, audiovisual i noves tecnologies del clúster audiovisual de Catalunya.
Amb el suport

Presentació del Pacte del Territori al MAC de Granollers

El Mercat Audiovisual de Catalunya de Granollers ha acollit la jornada Pacte del territori, espais de l’audiovisual. Coorganitzada pel Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya i el Mac, ha consistit en una taula de treball amb els representats dels centres audiovisuals de Cornellà, l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Terrassa i Vilanova i la Geltrú. Es tracta de la primera posada en comú d’aquestes quatre iniciatives impulsades pels seus respectius ajuntaments i que tenen en comú una forta vinculació amb la ciutadania, un interès i preocupació per la formació i per donar suport a l’emprenedoria i empreses vinculades del sector.

Moderada pel consultor en comunicació Daniel Condeminas, la taula ha comptat amb la participació de Cristina Brandner (gerent del Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya), Javier González (director general del Citilab), Joan-Carles Lluch (director gerent de Neàpolis) i Sandra Ruiz (cap de projectes d’innovació social i responsable de Torre Barrina).

S’han exposat visions, expectatives i potencialitats del que pot ser un pacte, un treball conjunt per al desplegament d’una xarxa col·laborativa que defensi interessos compartits. Alguns dels temes tractats han estat la necessitat de pactar i definir una consciència col·lectiva que atorgui una legitimitat comuna en la seva interlocució amb les administracions; posar en valor el potencial econòmic, educatiu i industrial de l’audiovisual; i explorar les possibilitats d’internacionalització.

Aquesta activitat es troba dins del programa d’innovació digital, audiovisual i noves tecnologies del clúster audiovisual de Catalunya.
Amb el suport

Eight cooperation projects discussed within the Mental Health intercluster

The Mental Health Cluster and the Audiovisual Cluster met on May 31st in a intercluster activity to promote partnerships between members of both associations.

The initiatives presented by the members of the Mental Health Cluster included, among others, media literacy projects for the prevention of mental health problems in youngsters and the visibility in the media of eating disorders.

The audiovisual community counted on the participation of Nihao Films, Visyon and NewCo Audiovisual, the latter with a project to develop a TV series emerged for the latest “Pitching Audiovisual” event.

The eight initiatives presented were discussed by participants in some group dynamics with the aim of making behavioral and eating disorders visible through TV and web series and programmes and augmented reality.

Animation, virtual reality and digitization of content at the member’s breakfast in April

Santi Soler, general director of the Videoconversion company, has been the first to present. Experts in audiovisual scanning, since 2004 they work on the recovery of tapes and photographs for individuals. In 2008, they started working for companies and entities, taking charge of digitalization of large funds and archives, with very varied features and specificities.

The production company Passion Pictures was born in London. Thanks to a relocated production system, workers from the United Kingdom, United States, France, Australia and Barcelona work together on animated projects that fill screens around the world. In their 30-year career they have created memorable characters and stories that have won Oscars. In Barcelona, a stable team of two people is dedicated to the composition of images. This has been explained by Eric Venti.

Shivver proposes to live performing arts from home, with a 100% immersive and interactive experience. The microphone passes in 360º of Operación Triunfo are an example of the future of domestic consumer shows, possible thanks to VR technology. The Catalan startup, represented by CEO Lorena Toda, has been accelerated to Connector and has as a partner technology, the also Cluster partner Visyon, virtual reality specialists.

Among those attending today at breakfast, we have had a large presence of members of the #TalentClúster community: young people who have presented their projects to the University-Industry Audiovisual Pitchings and who have been mentored in the Talent Obert program. A couple of days after the release of the trailer for the new TV3 series “Les de l’hockey, the Cluster and the other members were able to congratulate Natàlia Boadas, one of the four ex-students of the Faculty of Communication of the UPF which three years ago presented its TFG pitching, for the premiere that will take place at the end of the month. Brutal Media partners have produced the fiction that begins to emit on April 29.

This activity is part of the program of digital innovation, audiovisual and new technologies of the audiovisual cluster of Catalonia.
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Zoom Marques – The brands evolve to reach the millennial

On Tuesday, March 19th, was held the sixth edition of Zoom Marques, a seminar organized by the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya and with the collaboration of the Associació de Directius de Comunicació DIRCOM i Foment del Treball Nacional and the support of  CaixaBank and the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

More than 200 communication professionals focused on Foment del Treball Nacional to know the techniques and values ​​that accompany the new generations; the millennial and Z Generation. With us were Adrià Farrero, director of strategic planning at BuzzFeed NY, Jordi Rosàs, founder of the creative agency  &Rosàs, Noemí Cuní, director of the content agency Broadcaster and Laia Mas, director of Public Affairs & Sustainability of Danone Iberia

This edition has focused on the profile of the new consumer, which rejects the little compromise and lives apart from solid advertising structures. This new generation is able to live in an ephemeral world but at the same time has great values.

The guests, to discuss how to reach this new audience, have participated in a round table moderated by Miquel Pellicer, Communications Director of Lavinia. The speakers came to the conclusion that these newly committed generations need and want real stories, that brands connect with their concerns, which is why companies, if they want to reach this public, can not be independent in the environment that it exists. In conclusion, a sincere and immediate communication is needed.

Finally, after reflections on the future of communication and how to reach these new audiences, attendees have been able to enjoy a networking space to open new links and debate, even more, about how communication evolves and where we are lead to.

Soon we will add the gallery of images of the day.


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The projection of sport through the audiovisual

On March 6th took place an intercluster the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya  and Indescat. Under the title “The projection of sport through the audiovisual”, the members of both Clusters worked together to explore opportunities between the two sectors.

The journey was divided into two parts; the first, was a presentation of the two associations and our partners, Benecé and Lamalanga, who shared with them all, their experiences as producers in the sport sector.

To finish, 3 work groups were formed to develop a work dynamic aimed at identifying challenges and possible projects between the audiovisual and sports sector.

This activity is part of the program of digital innovation, audiovisual and new technologies of the audiovisual cluster of Catalonia.
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Representation of our partners during MWC and 4YFN

Once again, Barcelona has hosted the world’s most important technology, innovation and mobile fair, the Mobile World Congress. As usual, the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya has organized a visit for our partners at 4YFN and at MWC.

During this edition of the Congress, one of the most relevant things has been RV and 5G. Many companies and start-ups have opted this type of technology.

Regarding the partners that have participated, on Tuesday we visited the 4YFN at Fira – Montjuïc. There we had the presence of 4 of our partners, who told us what their projects were about and what are their future challenges. The partners were:

  • Vodity: it is a video on demand platform, that offers films, documentaries and series with specialized content in historical, cultural and scientific field.
  • Tviso: is an online platform with specialized content in the cataloging and personalized management of aduiovisual content (films, documentaries and TV programs).
  • Filmarket Hub: online platform for audiovisual professionals and producers that facilitates the search for projects, financing or jobs.
  • Minushu: start-up specialized in the creation of narrative experiences with immersive technologies: augmented reality and virtual reality.

Thursday was the turn to visit the partners that were at MWC, at Fira-L’Hosiptalet. They presented us their new programs, future plans and what they are betting for now. We visited:

  • Cellnex Telecom: a specialist in wireless telecommunications broadcasting in Europe. They offer audiovisual services to “Smart Cities” broadcasters and solutions.
  • Visyon: is a digital services company specialized in VR, AR and immersive technologies.

This activity is part of the program of digital innovation, audiovisual and new technologies of the audiovisual cluster of Catalonia.
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“Films for television with catalan identity”, the first collaboration of the Clúster with the Academy of Catalan Cinema

Yesterday took place the first collaboration between the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia and the Acadèmia del Cinema Català in the cycle of previous talks organized by those responsible for the Gaudí Awards. In “Films for television with Catalan identity”, those responsible for the four telefilms nominated for the event that will take place at the end of the month will participate; Sílvia Munt, director, and Àngels Masclans, producer of “Vida Privada”; Lluís Maria Güell, director, and Albert Sagalés, producer of “Vilafranca”; Pere Roca, producer of “El nom” and Ferran Cera, producer of “De la ley a la ley”. The act was moderated by the head of the Media section of Diari Ara, Àlex Gutiérrez.

Among the attendees were many of our members, who were summoned by the Clúster, who participated actively during the session. The day was a great meeting point for the industry and allowed to put on the table many topics of debate regarding the consideration of these productions or the competition that represent the large platforms in streaming both for the conditions in which they produce and for the public procurement they achieve.

For more information, you can read the chronicle that Toni Vall has done, journalist of the Diari Ara, or recover the broadcast that the Catalan Film Academy has done through its Facebook channel.

Streaming on Set, Tirex Invest i Collateral Bits on the first partners breakfast of the year

Today we have celebrated the first breakfast the year with members of the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya where  Streaming on Set, Tirex Invest i Collateral Bits. were presented.

The first ones that have exposed their business have been Xavi Morón and Baruch Bouis from Streaming on Set. Specialized in wireless technology, they provide high quality image transmission services and, moreover, they are salespeople of products for the audiovisual world. During the exhibition, they put a lot of emphasis on how important, within their day to day, adapt to situations and projects that are presented. They have worked for the Portuguese Football League and Gas Gas, among others.

Next was the turn of Jordi Mendieta with the project Tirex Invest S.L. It is a newly created production company and serves to find new forms of financing through national and international co-productions.

Finally, Joan Rosés has shared with the partners his project Collateral Bits, a digital platform on the impact of emerging technologies in society and, specifically, in the cultural sphere. This project, in the process of development, opens a space for debate over the ethical limits of technology.

You can see more images of the event go to Streaming on set.

This activity is part of the program of digital innovation, audiovisual and new technologies of the audiovisual cluster of Catalonia.
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2018 in impacts

We start a new year and we would like to make a summary of this 2018:

We have had 48 repercussions in the media
The work carried out by the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya has been reflected in the 48 news published in different media; both online, press, radio and television. Access clipping here.

A project selected at Audiovisual Pitching 2016 will be the new TV3 series
Laura Azemar, Natalia Boadas, Marta Vivet and Ona Anglada presented their Final Degree Work at the Audiovisual Pitching in 2016. Almost 3 years later, thanks to the co-production of TV3 with our partner Brutal Media, “Les de l’hoquei “will see the light this spring. Access the news here.

We have grown 31%
We have closed the year with 104 members, the highest since the Cluster was founded 5 years ago.

Constant activities
We have organized and co-organized 35 activities, in which more than 2,300 people have attended. The Audiovisual Talent Week and the Zoom Brands among professionals in the audiovisual and communication sector.






The Cluster closes the year with 31% of new partners

The last meeting and assembly of partners of the year has been held today, where the Cluster’s growth has been demonstrated: since last January, we have grown 31% the number of partners. On this day, the balance of the current year has been presented and a preview of the next one has been made, where more than 40 activities will take place that will embrace the interests of the whole type of companies that are within the Cluster . In addition, a diagnosis of the sector has been done in order to decide on the new strategic lines to be developed.

The fifth year of the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya closes, therefore, with a very positive assessment marked by the notable increase in the number of partners and the positioning in the press of our voice as a sector thanks to the multiplicity of impacts that have had our activities.

A project from the Audiovisual Pitching will be the new series of TV3

Team girls (from left to right and from up to down ): Asia Ortega (Flor), Mireia Oriol (Lorena), Clàudia Riera (Gina), Natàlia Barrientos (Berta), Dèlia Brufau (Emma), Júlia Gibert (Raquel), Yasmina Drissi (Laila) / CCMA

“Les de l’hoquei”, a title still provisional, is the result of the final project of four Audiovisual Communication students of Pompeu Fabra University: Laura Azemar, Natàlia Boadas, Marta Vivet and Ona Anglada. The project was presented to the second Audiovisual Pitching, organized annually by the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya with the aim of connecting the university with the audiovisual industry. The presentation, which took place at the CCCB in December 2016, sparked the interest of several Catalan producers.

TV series is a TV3 production in collaboration with our partner, Brutal Mediawritten by Marta Grau, Núria Parera, Ona Anglada, Laura Azemar, Natàlia Boadas and Marta Vivet, and directed by Kiko Ruiz Claverol and Patricia Font, who will begin filming in January and will be on prime time in April.The series, which revolves around a team of female roller hockey, offers a new generational look that aims to put women’s sport in their place and approach the teen audience.Hockey: a common passion
Emma, ​​Laila, Raquel, Flor, Lorena, Berta and Gina are totally different from each other, but they have a common passion: playing hockey. But Minerva’s women’s section, her hockey club, is bored by the bad results and her president prefers to bet on the male team, because they have better results. But the girls will not give up: they have the creative vision of their new coach, Anna, one of the best players in the world, who returns to the village to recover from a serious injury, but she also hides a great secret.Anna’s innovative game style will confront with girls ex-coaching Terrats that is the actual coach of  men’s first team. However, both of them will show that women’s sport deserves a place in the world. But it won’t be easy, because everyone has personal dilemmas, struggles with their parents, with the boys of the first team, and with a world of adults that does not always understand them.

A new generational and feminine look of sport … and life.

The case of “Les de l’hoquei” is not unique: other end-of-grade works presented at Audiovisual Pitching University – Industry have become or will soon become a reality. This is the video of the first fruits of Pitching Audiovisual that we premiered at the last Audiovisual Talent Week.

In pictures, Laura Azemar and Natàlia Boadas during their speech in Audiovisual Pitching 2016. In the second picture, the scripwriters team working on the TV series with Brutal Media.


Broadcaster, Cellnex and Microgestió on the last breakfast of the year

The last parterns breakfast of 2018 was held on Tuesday 4th with the presence of Broadcaster, Cellnex and Microgestió. As usual in this special days, three Cluster member companies have the opportunity to present themselves to other partners and then there’s a breakfast with networking dynamics that allow them to share ideas, interests and search for new businesses .

The first ones to be presented were Josep Morales from Microgestió a company that has been offering integral services of Apple products for more than 30 years to companies and institutions. Microgestió launched ideas for the future and proposed solutions to the new challenges; the abandonment of the use of the computer and the existing storage options.

The following were presented by Noemí Cuní and Valti Roda, who told us about the transformation to an agency that the Broadcaster producer has suffered. They put much emphasis on how productive the breakfasts sessions organized by the Audiovisual Cluster are, because from one of the previous networkings sessions has born BAS (Broadcaster Audiovisual Services), an audiovisual production company under the umbrella of Broadcaster.

To finish, we also counted on the presence of Jaume Pujol of Cellnex Telecom. Experts in telecommunication infrastructures have exposed the challenges they are currently working on and that can turn the sector around as we know it: the deployment of 5G and the new LoVesTV television platform.

The Territorial Agreement wants to unify and strength the Catalan audiovisual sector

This morning, several representatives of audiovisual companies and audiovisual parks located in different parts of Catalonia have met in Barcelona to draw the first steps of the Territorial Agreement project promoted by the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya.

The Territorial Agreement arises from the repeated demonstration by audiovisual and technological equipment scattered across the territory of the need to get acquainted and maintain contact with other organizations in order to establish synergies and study possible collaborations. In response, the Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya has promoted the creation of a common strategy that enables international promotion activities such as to exchange experiences and knowledge among the participating companies, and the development of projects and fundraising.

The assistants to the meeting has been Neàpolis (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Roca Umbert (Granollers), Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya (Terrassa), Torre Barrina (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat) and Citilab (Cornellà).

This companies see the Territorial Agreement an engine to dynamise its spaces besides the opportunity to carry, under the same umbrellas, requests to the public administrations as fiscal taxes to attract audiovisual productions within the Catalan territory.

The Territorial Agreement wants to be around Catalonia and bring together the largest possible number of parks and audiovisual companies in the Catalan area. Soon, a document will be articulated with all the adhered organisms and the services they offer will, in order to create a catalog.

This activity is part of the program of digital innovation, audiovisual and new technologies of the audiovisual cluster of Catalonia.
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Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya travels to New York to promote Catalan audiovisual sector

Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya, along with ACCIÓ and fifteen other Catalan clusters, has traveled to New York to attend a training week for cluster managers and to explain the Catalan audiovisual sector to American companies and institutions with great strategic value for the development of projects of our partners and our audiovisual cluster.

Within the agenda of individual meetings, we interviewed the start-up communication and advertising company BuzzFeed, with more than 1,700 employees and world’s 3th-ranked concerning content visualizations, only behind Google and Facebook. Within the academic field, the directors and deans of the New York Film Academy and the  NYU Tisch School of the Arts, the two most prestigious of the city, have been visited by the cluster manager Eduard Gil interested in our detection programs and recruitment of emerging talent. The producer and distributor AMC Networks, the telecommunications company AT&T Entertainment Group and the film commission Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting have also opened their doors to us attracted by the quality of the Catalan films and tv shows and by the services offered by our companies and audiovisual parks to international productions. The trip also allowed us to build linkages with the EFE agency delegation in New York, with the New Yorker law office Cuatrecases, and with David Moragas, a young talented Catalan film director based in the city.

In ​​media and innovation area, the main visits of the delegation of Catalan clusters to be highlighted are those to Google and to Company building. Google’s virtual and augmented reality department explained which products based on these two technologies are currently being developed. Company, the most powerful residence of urban tech startups in the USA, (the minimum turnover of hosted start-ups is $ 1 million per year), exposed the future prospects of this space supported by the city council: the expansion of the building with the construction of 25 new plants that will house companies of the media sector. Thanks to the promotion of initiatives like this, New York is considered the second startup hub in the country and represents one of the most important economic engines of creativity and innovation worldwide.

The Strategic Training Week, New York’s mission name led by ACCIÓ, counted with speakers and trainers of high prestige in the sectors of companies organization and dynamization.  Bryan Lozano, from the network of technology leaders Tech:NYC, inaugurated the training program with the presentation of the ecosystem of start-up companies in the city. Eric Rolf Hansen, importer of the cluster methodology in Catalonia and throughout the world, gave a lesson on strategy and cluster development; Rita Gunther McGrath, from the Columbia Business School, gives a presentation on competitiveness management, and, Samuel Bacharach from Cornell University, talked about leadership in organizations. Apart from exploring the commercial possibilities between Catalonia and the US, the sessions have been an excellent opportunity to establish synergies with the Catalan clusters from other economic sectors in the country.

Co-producing in Italy: a way to enter the international market at FILMETS

Several catalan producers have attended today the professional session that Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya has co-organized with Filmets within the framework of the short film festival that takes place in the city of Badalona until October 28th. “Co-productions Catalunya – Puglia. Business Opportunities” has been possible thanks to the collaboration and presence of the Distretto Produttivo “Puglia Creattiva” and the Apulia Film Commission as well as a delegation of Italian producers. Using the presentation of european funds supporting productions in the Apulia region as a pretext, attendees have discovered the possibilities of locations that offer their landscapes, the services of the audiovisual sector existing in the area and the facilities that Apulia Film Commission provides. The Apulia Film Fund, which is the name of the grant call, is focused on fictional projects, documentaries, short films, animation and television formats that include hiring services in this southern Italy area. According to the words of Roberto Corciulo, representative of the Apulia Film Commission, these 10M€ grants are an opportunity to attract audiovisual activity, beyond the tourist diffusion of its places.

OZ FilmPharos FilmSinapsi Produzione PartecipatePasso UnoDinamo Film and Arteteca have been the six Italian production companies that have travelled to Catalonia to present their projects to Catalan producers. In order to find partners for their production, once the presentations have been completed they have participated in a one-to-one meetings with the Catalan producers interested in.

This international meeting born from the contact of Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya with the counterpart Distretto Produttivo “Puglia Creativa” is part of the activities that the Cluster is developing in order to reinforce and promote the Catalan audiovisual network, in this case, with the internationalization and participation in European projects. Catalan producers have valued very positively this session because of the possibilities emerged on the international market. During his opening speech, the president of the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia, Miquel Rutllant, thanked Catalan producers for their great reception and highlighted the quality of the present ones, emphasizing on the talent and high professionalism that resides within the Catalan audiovisual sector.


Pictures provided by Festival FILMETS. Access the full gallery.

The analysis of the most innovative television formats

In a day at the Mompou Room of SGAE Catalunya, Catalan producers have been able to discover which are the most original television formats that fill the grids of public and private international television channels. The session was led by Miquel Garcia, head of the Laboratory of New Formats of the CCMA, and Manel Raya. Both have unlocked thirty selected programs among the more than 1,400 that this department of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation has seen.

The drivers of the session highlighted the emotional aspect as the common denominator of many of the programs presented. Garcia and Raya have also exposed that many of the realities and dated views explore the moral limits of society and the viewer.

The meeting has been very well received by the audiovisual sector since this analysis is a very useful tool for the strategic development of new products.

The new data protection law

With the entry of the new regulation on May 25, 2018, we must make an assessment of the current situation, see the impact that will have on a business level, and resolve the doubts about the RGPD.

On Friday July 20 we analyzed the practical application of the general regulation of data protection and also clarified what aspects must be taken into account and which adaptation measures must be taken without excessive sacrifices.

Some of the aspects that were dealt with are the legislative framework in Spain, the Scope of application of the Regulation, the guiding principles for the protection of personal data, the relevant developments of the Regulation, etc.

The problem generated by the need to have the express consent of customers, the sanctioning regime, and the actions to be taken to adapt to the new regulations had an important weight throughout the day.

Ramón Molías and Mark Prats, lawyers in charge of the ICT department and data protection of Riba Vidal Advocats, led the session last Friday.