© 2024 Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya
Web developed by La Saladeta
On Tuesday 26 April at 10am, will take place a participatory session for membres at Auditori Cuatrecasas, where the implications of the recent approval of the Spanish 2021 labor reform and the new artistic sector contract will be analyzed. The meeting will be given by Cuatrecasas, a law firm specialized in labor law and the […]
The Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya organizes the 44th edition of INPUT together with Universitat Pompeu Fabra and with the support of ICEC, Barcelona City Council, TV3 and TVE. This year will be held in Barcelona from 9 to 13 May at the Campus Poblenou of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Roc Boronat 138). For further information you can […]
Case study: "We met in virtual reality?" How the film was made, a session with Clúster's support in the 25th edition of DocsBarcelona, that will be held from May 18 to 29, 2022 at CCCB and it also will be available to see online.
We organize the session "Nou entreteniment sonor: la postproducció de so en podcast" at MAC Fair (Catalonia Audiovisual Market), that will be held on June 1 2022 at Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts (Granollers). It will take place at the Plató del Centre Audiovisual from 12:40h to 13:20h. Also, we will have the participaton […]
The 8th edition of the Audiovisual Talent Week will be held from November 14 to 18, 2022 at CaixaForum Barcelona. It is a project that encompasses a series of activities aimed at connecting the new emerging talent of university centers in the audiovisual field with professionals across the sector. Its main event is the Audiovisual […]
From January 31th to February 3rd, ISE Fair is held in Barcelona, the largest audiovisual, technological and integrated systems fair in the world. The Catalan Audiovisual Cluster, as a close collaborator of ISE, organizes several sessions there. You can check our program here.
From February 27 to March 2, the Mobile World Congress fair is held in Barcelona. The Audiovisual Cluster will be there organizing various activities: Exclusive visit for Cluster members to the Mobile World Capital stand: Feel the Technology experience Tuesday 28 February at 11:30 a.m. at booth 6B31 in Hall 6. Mobile World Capital […]
On March 9 at 9:30 a.m. at the Blanquerna Library we are organizing this work session which will be a meeting place between companies looking for people for internships and training centers and universities that train audiovisual professionals. The objective is that from the field of training it is understood what the needs of the […]
Recently, artificial intelligence has become popular and has reached a level of sophistication unthinkable a few years ago. Its uses and applications represent a great opportunity for brands communication, which are fighting to make a place for themselves in a digital scenario with lots of information. From the generation of content using techniques such as […]
Greatest Hits, Masses & Controversies The Cluster collaborates in this session that will be held as part of DocsBarcelona on May 23 at 7 p.m. in the CCCB Auditorium, where industry professionals will be able to learn about the preferences, phobias, failures and successes of Decision Makers. They will reveal how and why documentaries are […]
The Audiovisual Talent Week encompasses a series of activities aimed at connecting new emerging talent from universities in audiovisual disciplines with professionals across the sector. Its main event is the […]